in Non-fiction by

One of the most common problems writers face is the dreaded “writer’s block”. Our guest, Rosanne Bane, a writing and creativity teacher, has, for decades, been giving writers help with this problem. Her new book, entitled, “Around the Writer’s Block: Using Brain Science to Solve Writer’s Resistance”(Tarcher/Penguin), deals with the problems writers face in a new and innovative way. Using the latest discoveries in brain science to help understand the origin of this writing resistance – a fight-or-flight response hard-wired into our brain, which can make us desperate to avoid the sources of our anxieties, her book lays out an effective plan to solve that resistance.


Monica Hadley is co-founder, host and producer of Writers' Voices which broadcasts on KHOE 90.5 FM World Radio from MIU in Fairfield, Iowa, and KICI-LP 105.3 a community-based radio station in Iowa City. She is also cofounder of Aeron Lifestyle Technology, Inc. and founder of the Iowa Justice Project, Inc.

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