in Fiction Writers by
“When I was in Afghanistan I would really try to get a sense of how it smelled there, and how dusty it was, and what it felt like when the sun was shining on you….There’s stuff you just can’t get if you don’t go,” John Wray talks with Writers Voices about the research and the writing of his new book – Godsend. ” I was pretty scared most of the time I was in Afghanistan. When you’re scared you’re very alert and you tend to remember times when you were really frightened with a bit more clarity… I recommend being terrified as a research tool.”

The phrase ‘extrude the product’ became my personal writers mantra, because it’s the farthest thing from any romantic approach to writing.

We often judge people of other cultures and other countries. It would be good to study their lives and customs to find out not our differences, but that we are all in the same place, members of the human race.

Caroline Kilbourn


An avid consumer of all things literary. The first book I ever owned was a Thesaurus,

One thought on “John Wray
  1. Lorene says:

    “EXTRUDE THE PRODUCT” omg I can’t stop laughing

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