in Childrens Books, Non-fiction, Young adult fiction by
This episode of Writers’ Voices focuses on government, politics, and activism. In the first half, Monica and Caroline speak with Jeff Foster, Parkland, FL advanced placement government teacher, about his new illustrated guide for young (and old) readers: “For Which We Stand: How Our Government Works and Why It Matters.” This was recorded a week after the 2020 Presidential election, so we talked a lot about the structure, history and future of the Electoral College. Foster is a survivor of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneham Douglas High School, and many of his students have become activists in the anti-gun movement. In the middle of the interview, he starts receiving texts that the media had finally called the election for Biden.

In the last part of this episode, Monica and Caroline discuss an older book that they believe deserves more attention – “Through My Eyes” by Ruby Bridges. As a six year old, Ruby was the first African-American child to attend an all-white elementary school in Louisiana. She is one of the largely unsung heroes of America’s civil rights movement. In recent years, Ruby said “When I think about our babies today and them not being safe in school, I think that should be the next civil rights movement… to ban the assault weapons so that our babies can be safe.”

In half the states, they (electoral college) are not bound by law to vote for who the people in that state voted for…. Could they stray and vote for somebody else and has it happened? Yes. But has it ever affected the result of the election? The answer to that is No.

Jeff Foster

I now know that experience comes to us for a purpose. If we follow the guidance of the spirit within us, we will probably find that the purpose is a good one.

Ruby Bridges


Monica Hadley is co-founder, host and producer of Writers' Voices which broadcasts on KHOE 90.5 FM World Radio from MIU in Fairfield, Iowa, and KICI-LP 105.3 a community-based radio station in Iowa City. She is also cofounder of Aeron Lifestyle Technology, Inc. and founder of the Iowa Justice Project, Inc.

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