Have you got a little money to spend on self-publishing, but not a lot of time before you need the finished product? Companies like instantpublisher.com offer subsidy publishing with orders shipped in as few as 7-10 days. It’s also very affordable at under $100 for your first 25 copies.
What I like most about instantpublisher.com is that they offer two options for your ISBN number. For $75 you can purchase an ISBN which lists them as the publisher. For $95, they’ll sell you an ISBN which lists you as the publisher.
They offer a 58 page publishing guide, which is a well written and easy to follow policies and technical manual complete with screen-shots. They also provide a PDF uploading video tutorial. Of course, any site will give instructions for use, but in browsing around I found that instantpublisher.com was well organized to take me from curious web-surfer to understanding the whole process in record time.
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