in Alternative Health by
Monica and Caroline bring back one of our favorite guests, Linda Egenes, to discuss her latest book “Super Healthy Kids: A Parent’s Guide to Maharishi Ayuveda.” Linda previously worked with her coauthor,  Dr. Kumuda Reddy, to produce “For a Blissful Baby: Healthy and Happy Pregnancy with Maharishi Vedic Medicine.” The new book picks up where that one left off, at about age one, and gives parents some great advice on ideal diet and daily routine for children based on their unique body type (kid-tested recipes included!)  Many true case stories from Dr. Ruddy’s practice as an ayurvedic physician demonstrate just how powerful this knowledge can be.

Listen to this absorbing author interview as Monica and Caroline find out what it takes to write an authoritative book on such an important topic.  How did the coauthors’ collaboration work?   Linda also  shares the story of how this book was almost published twice before it found its final home with the Maharishi University of Management Press, and why it is a better book as a result. Originally broadcast 8/6/10.

You can get this book at
Super Healthy Kids: A Parents Guide to Maharishi Ayurveda


Monica Hadley is co-founder, host and producer of Writers' Voices which broadcasts on KHOE 90.5 FM World Radio from MIU in Fairfield, Iowa, and KICI-LP 105.3 a community-based radio station in Iowa City. She is also cofounder of Aeron Lifestyle Technology, Inc. and founder of the Iowa Justice Project, Inc.

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