in Fiction Writers by
Daniel Handler aka. Lemony Snicket -talks about his love of writing and his new book for adults – Poison for Breakfast.
“When I was young and first interested in books. I felt so deeply connected to books and the world of literature that I knew I wanted to participate in some way. It felt like a participatory art form to me. And so I always wanted to be a writer and to my utter stupefaction that turned out to work out pretty well.”
On his pseudonym:
It became a name that my friends and I would use to reserve tables at restaurants… I had business cads made and I would give them to people at bars saying that I was Lemony Snicket. It became a kind of strange ghostly presence in the lives of myself and my friends; who are among the most bewildered by what has happened to that name. And then when I started writing about the Baudelaire’s it just made sense to me because the narrator was so mysterious that I thought it would be fun to publicly list the books under the name of the narrator rather than under the name of the author. Because the narrator is really interesting and the author is a just a person making stuff up.”

I very much love the stuff of writing…I love this part where I’m figuring out where it’s going and what it’s made of.

God made everything out of nothing, but the nothingness shows through..

Paul Valery


An avid consumer of all things literary. The first book I ever owned was a Thesaurus,

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