in Memoir by
“The tough stuff is the stuff you need to write about, ’cause that’s where the conflict is; that’s also where the challenge is, to figure out how to write about it.” Mitchell S. Jackson shares his insights on writing and his own life, talking about his “memoir in essays” – Survival Math. “And then for me it was, ‘Why I am I doing this.’ I hope there’s something to be gained for people who might be experiencing similar circumstances.”

I just enjoy sentence making, so as long as I can make sentences I like. … I will refuse an opportunity if I feel like the publication won’t accept my voice; because to me the voice is who I am, it’s identity and if you take that away from me, it’s like you’ve taken away my power.

It’s easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.

Fredrick Douglas


An avid consumer of all things literary. The first book I ever owned was a Thesaurus,

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