in Non-fiction, Self-help by
Marc Graham talks about his new book – Runes for Writers. “Writers are modern shamans. We are the magic makers, the dream walkers, the journeyers in to these other realms of consciousness.” “(We) are the bridge builders between ordinary humanity and the dream state where the muses live…. In ancient times when …we weren’t so bound to the intellect…I think we had greater access to those other levels of consciousness…that we see as mystical and magical.”

A story exists outside of us. If a muse deigns to.. bring a us a particular story, that’s a sacred calling., it’s a vocation..If we accept the challenge and create the story, not only will our lives change but we have the potential to create change in the world.

Story has the power to transform lives and shape our world. The world needs your story ans your unique way of presenting it. Story has chosen you, to share the laughter, the inspiration, the enjoyment and the message, that only you can give. Go forth and be glorious.

Marc Graham


An avid consumer of all things literary. The first book I ever owned was a Thesaurus,

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